Saturday, May 14, 2011

Day Three (1.0)

Cut up some more cherry, but left it near the cherry logs that will be milled into lumber. I did a little clean up while I was there for Mike. I want to split the rest of that first day's haul and then measure the weight and volume of the finished, but partially unseasoned product, and then compare it to time...when I get back from RI.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Biomass5000 Begins!

Day one: (1.5) Got a load of Cherry wood yesterday. There were a few pieces of oak that I had cut before thrown in. I spent about 1.5 hrs. sawing it into 18" pieces, loading it and hauling it (not even a mile) in the back of my van, unloading it and stacking it, making it ready for splitting. I'm estimating that I will have about 150 pieces after splitting. I left some gnarly pieces for Mike.

Day two: (1.0) Spent an hour splitting and stacking the Cherry. It split easily, the seasoned logs as well as the green. I stacked it in columns. I probably got 1/2 of yesterday's haul split and stacked. I'm going to make two very "custom" half cords, that will include some of this cherry for choice wood to cook over...smoked salmon, YUM! I'll sell one delivered for $150.00, and leave one for the Wetzels.